Do you want to remove your eyebrow tattoo? You can!
If you decided to tattoo your eyebrows, and now you are sorry or, simply, you do not like the design and want to make a new one, discover the most indicated procedure to remove it.
When you decide to jump into the world of tattooing you must be very sure since it is something permanent, hence the importance of thinking about it and assessing the pros and cons before submitting to it, and we are not only talking about those that you carry on your body As a decoration (do not get carried away by impulses or fashions) or a symbol that has great meaning for you, but also and, much more important, of those that are done on the face, we are talking about the eyebrow tattoo.
Taking this step will completely change your face and expression, so you should put yourself in the hands of experts to advise you. In the market, there are different options that can help you show off a full and perfect eyebrow design without the need for it to last a lifetime. But what if you did it a long time ago, and you just want to remove it, so you can do better this time? In that case, quiet, there are options to eliminate them, but the results are perhaps not as good as you would like.
When you decide to jump into the world of tattooing you must be very sure since it is something permanent, hence the importance of thinking about it and assessing the pros and cons before submitting to it and we are not only talking about those that you carry on your body As a decoration (do not get carried away by impulses or fashions) or a symbol that has great meaning for you, but also and, much more important, of those that are done on the face, we are talking about the eyebrow tattoo.
Taking this step will completely change your face and expression, so you should put yourself in the hands of experts to advise you. In the market, there are different options that can help you show off a full and perfect eyebrow design without the need for it to last a lifetime. But what if you did it a long time ago, and you just want to remove it, so you can do better this time? In that case, quiet, there are options to eliminate them, but the results are perhaps not as good as you would like.
The laser is your main option when it comes to removing all remaining ink from your skin, it is also suitable to end micropigmentation , in which case it is a much simpler task since it is in a much more superficial layer of the skin. First of all, you should go to an appointment with the professional so that they carry out a specialised study and a dermatological control and once they have studied your particular case you can take action.
The Q-Switched laser is the most indicated for this type of procedure since it is selective and only focuses on the pigments that give the tattoo colour while respecting the rest of the skin. During the treatment, the accumulated pigments will be fragmented, thus facilitating the subsequent reabsorption by cells of the body with a minimum harmful effect. If you are wondering if it is a painful treatment, yes, it is, that is why the specialist can resort to topical anesthesia. You will have to go to eliminate them at least 5 or 6 sessions (of about 25-30 minutes), time that will vary depending on the colours that have been used (black is the easiest to remove) and age. You should wait between 4 and 8 weeks between each session, although the results will be visible from the first.
After undergoing this procedure you should avoid exposure to the sun and since it is a scar you will have to prevent it from becoming infected by maintaining proper cleaning by curing it daily, applying a cream that favours dermo-epidermal regeneration will also be essential.