Eyebrow tattoo or micropigmentation removal from the eyebrows or lips.

How to remove an eyebrow tattoo, microblading, or laser micropigmentation.
Frequently asked questions and explanations of the treatment.
If you are considering removing an eyebrow or lip tattoo, micropigmentation or laser microblading , either to reduce the intensity of the existing pigment and then re-tattoo the area or to eliminate the pigment completely, then we will indicate what the treatment consists of, the answers to the most frequently asked questions and what you need to do if you want to start treatment.
How does the laser treatment to remove a facial tattoo, microblading or micropigmentation work?
Without going into technicalities, the operation of the laser treatment consists of defragmenting the tattoo ink , micropigmentation or microblading into particles so small that the body can expel it naturally, through urine and sweat.
The results are seen progressively. In some cases, they begin to be appreciated already in the first days. But the usual thing is that they manifest about 3 weeks, after the laser session.
What types of pigmentation and areas do we treat at Elite Look:
At Elite Look centers we are specialised in eyebrow tattoo removal Perth, permanent makeup, micropigmentation or microblading of eyebrows and lips.
We also perform laser removal of freckles that are tattooed or performed with the micropigmentation technique.
Differences between tattooing, micropigmentation or microblading
You have to take into account the differences between facial tattoos or micropigmentation or microblading. Since depending on the technique used, a greater or lesser number of laser sessions will be needed to eliminate it.
The main difference between a tattoo and micropigmentation or microblading, is the depth and type of pigment that is applied.
Tattoo of eyebrows and lips or freckles: In the case of tattoos, the pigment is placed deeper, in the dermis, than in the case of micropigmentation or microblading. Also, the pigments that are used in the case of tattoos are of permanent effect.
Micropigmentation of eyebrows and lips or freckles: Unlike tattoos, in the case of micropigmentation or microblading , although the techniques are somewhat different from each other, the pigment is located in a more superficial layer, called the epidermis.
Therefore, a tattoo can accompany us for a lifetime. It does not disappear over time, but its hue can vary.
And instead, the duration of a micropigmentation is usually between 2 and 5 years, of microblading – 1-1.5 years.
Which is easier to remove, an eyebrow tattoo, micropigmentation or microblading?
The tattoo has more resistant pigments and greater depth than micropigmentation or microbladin g. And therefore, a tattoo, as a general rule, will need more laser removal sessions than micropigmentation or microblading.
How many sessions are needed to remove a facial tattoo, micropigmentation or microblading ?
Facial tattoo: To remove an eyebrow or lip tattoo with a laser, an average of 2-5 sessions is usually needed (since the pigment is somewhat more resistant than in the case of micropigmentation).
Micropigmentation : To remove a micropigmentation or microblading of eyebrows with laser , an average of 1-4 sessions are usually needed. Being 2 sessions, in most cases.
To remove micropigmentation of lips with laser: an average of 1-3 sessions are usually needed.
To remove freckles tattooed with laser: it usually takes an average of 2-4 sessions.
It must always be borne in mind that these numbers are indicative, since each body and its metabolism or speed of response is different. And habits also have an important influence on the speed of elimination.
What is the price of the tattoo removal, microblading or micropigmentation treatment of eyebrows or lips?
The treatment costs per session (regardless of the size of the area).
Does it hurt, is it annoying?
The perception depends on the sensitivity of each person, however it must be taken into account that the eyebrows and lips are quite sensitive areas. Before starting the treatment in Tattoo Cleaners we carry out a test, in a small area, so the client can also get used to the idea if it is annoying. In the event that this is the case, the client can choose to use a topical anesthetic prior to the session (as long as they do not have an allergy to any of the components), with which discomfort is minimised.
How often are the sessions held?
The sessions are usually carried out every 5-8 weeks, depending on the healing of the skin, etc., and can be repeated several times, until the desired result is obtained.
When will I see the results of the session?
To see the real effects of each session, you have to wait about 3-4 weeks, since this is usually the usual time it takes for the body to expel the fragmented ink.
In the cases of micropigmentation of the eyebrows and lips, generally, the effects begin to be appreciated in the first 2 weeks. In the case of black pigments, it is usually faster than in the case of colored pigments (brown, reddish, etc.).
Factors that influence the speed of removal of facial tattoos, micropigmentation or microblading:
Ink type and colour: Black ink tends to be removed more easily and quickly than coloured ink, for example, brown, aubergine, or reddish tones.
Ink Amount – The more pigment you have, the more sessions you may need.
Ink depth: The shallower the pigment, the easier and faster it is to remove. And therefore, the deeper the pigment is, the more sessions you may need.
Metabolism: the speed of the person’s metabolism will determine the elimination times. The more active the metabolism, the faster the ink is usually removed from the body. Metabolism is generally related to habits (sport, smoking, etc.). And also with age.
Smoking: smoking can significantly reduce the effectiveness of treatment. Smokers may need 50-70% more sessions, and therefore time, to remove a tattoo.
Lifestyle: habits such as sports, intake of water and fluids, healthy diet rich in vitamins, help to remove a tattoo in less time and sessions. On the other hand, the sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol intake, unbalanced diet, are usually reflected in the elimination process, being slower and requiring more laser sessions.
In summary, if you want to remove your tattoo, micropigmentation or microblading of eyebrows or lips as quickly as possible: it would be important not to smoke, drink enough amounts of water and fluids (8 glasses a day), do constant exercise, follow a healthy diet, etc.
If you want to know more about how to remove your tattoo or micropigmentation in less time, you may also be interested in the following article ” How to remove your tattoo faster “
I am interested in the treatment, what should I do? Do I have to book an appointment?
Yes, both the consultation (free) and the treatment at Elite Look are by appointment , in order to offer our clients a better service. We schedule a free first visit to assess the case, skin, habits, etc. of the client, for a better result. You can request a first appointment or consultation.
1. 1st visit (free). An assessment is made of the pigmentation to be removed, the skin, etc. and a test of sensitivity and reaction of the skin and the pigment to the laser is carried out (the test can be carried out as long as there is no problem that prevents it: photosensitive medication, that the client has taken the sun or UVA rays, certain conditions health, etc.). Once the test is done, we let 1-week pass to see the reaction and evolution of the skin and pigment.
2. The session. It consists of passing the laser over the extension of the tattoo that the client wishes to remove. During the first session, the characteristic frosty will usually appear (white dots on the area), which will disappear in a matter of minutes. Subsequently, an antibacterial and regenerating ointment will be applied.
It must be remembered that days before the sessions you will not be able to sunbathe, or UVA rays, or photosensitive medication. Keep in mind that the laser removes tattoo pigment and hair, so it can also temporarily lighten eyebrow hair.
3. Aftercare at home in the first few days. In the first hours after the treatment, it is advisable to apply cold to the treated area, as it helps to reduce inflammation in the area and minimise discomfort. During the first days:
The client will continue to apply a treatment ointment, with antibacterial and regenerating effects.
The use of makeup in the area is discouraged.
It will avoid wetting the treated area
Do not expose the area to the sun or UVA rays.
4. The days after treatment. In some cases, small scabs will form that should not be touched or pulled off, leaving them to come off on their own after a few days. The client must avoid the sun and UVA rays in the area. It will also apply for maximum protection before going outside.
The effects of the session will be visible after about 3-4 weeks, after the session. In some cases, even earlier.
5. Next session. In the event that there is still unwanted pigment remaining, another laser removal session can be performed again, about 5-6 weeks after the previous one.
If you want to book an appointment or make a consultation, on how to remove your tattoo, micro pigmentation or microblading.
Precautions or care to take into account before treatment or sessions:
– Do not expose the area to be treated to the sun or UVA rays , 10 days prior to the session. Since it can cause photosensitivity in the skin and produce adverse reactions: irritation, spots, blisters, burns, etc.
– Not having taken photosensitive medication in the days prior to the session. Some examples of photosensitive medication would be: antiinflammatories such as ibuprofen, antibiotics, antacids such as omeprazole, some medications for anxiety or depression, etc. Depending on the medicine and the doses taken, the days that must pass to be able to carry out the session will be calculated. For treatments with Roacutan or similar, at least 6 months must pass from the moment of completion of treatment with the drug, to be able to carry out the treatment safely. In case of doubts, consult the Elite Look staff.
– The skin must be in good condition (irritated, burned, scarred, etc. skin will not be treated)
– Good health. As a precaution, treatment will not be carried out in certain health conditions: pregnancy or lactation period, epilepsy, wearing a pacemaker, skin or autoimmune diseases, etc.
Carmine ink and pigment mixtures:
It must be taken into account that in some specific cases changes in the tonality of tattoos may occur due to the reactions of some inks or pigments or mixtures of them, due to the oxidation changes that occur in them.
An example would be carmine inks, which in some specific cases, due to the presence of ferric oxide, can manifest a darkening after the first session. Likewise, it can also occur in skin tones or other, which can show a brown or grey tone, respectively.
There are very few cases in which these changes occur and afterward, they can be treated without problems, disappearing with subsequent sessions.
In Elite Look cosmetic tattoo Perth we carry out a test, before starting the treatment, to be able to see the reaction of the skin and the pigment, in a small area, prior to the complete treatment.