The phases of cosmetic tattoo healing
Tags: cosmetic tattoo Perth, perfect eyebrows with cosmetic tattoo, cosmetic tattoo color, when to review cosmetic tattoo, pain after cosmetic tattoo, cosmetic tattoo itches , skin phototype and micropigmentation , micropigmentation inflammation , eyebrow micropigmentation
Many times you ask me, now what do I do with my cosmetic tattoo? Does it stay dark? Why it is dark? Is this appearance normal? Why does it itch? …
In today’s post, which I haven’t written for a long time, as you have seen, I am going to try to resolve these doubts for you.
When we perform cosmetic tattoo Perth, we do not stop making a wound. Although the purpose of this wound is an areolar tattoo reconstruction, eyebrows, lip contouring … Let’s not forget that needles have been used that penetrate through the epidermis to reach the dermis and there deposit the pigment.
As in any wound, there will be an inflammatory phase, it will be more inflamed, we will observe a slight redness around it. Also, a suppuration because a scab begins to form, that crust attached to the blood that can secrete, plus the hyper saturation of the pigment will make a more intense or darker color appear.
In a few days that scab, as in any type of wound, will be dry and will begin to fall off. It is normal that when falling a lighter color is observed, it even gives the feeling that there is no color. IT IS NORMAL, when we have a scab wound, for example on an arm, when the scab falls off, that area appears lighter than normal skin, but in a few days, we see that the skin returns to its original color. In cosmetic tattoo the same thing happens, the color decreases when the crust that has formed falls, to regain the color and have the normal color. This is the healing process, and after this process that lasts approximately 21 days, is when we will observe the final result, and when we say “now the color has turned on and the appropriate correction can be made, if necessary”
It is normal for the pigmented area to sting or itch, as it is one more phase of the healing process. For this reason, it is important to keep the area very clean, protect it from external aggression, prevent it from becoming infected and keep it highly hydrated, for its prompt regeneration.
Here I am going to give you a practical example and that is how you will understand it better, to be able to apply it later in the cosmetic tattoo: «If you have a wound on your leg, because you have fallen, and it has bled, it is normal for you to heal that wound, And how do you do it, washing the wound, using an antiseptic and hydrating it, you avoid exposing that wound to external agents, friction, the first days in the sun, and, of course, if it is summer and you go to the beach or the pool, you avoid it wet and cover it, right? and that wound, at first it is inflamed, it hurts, and a scab begins to appear, right? Well, in a cosmetic tattoo the same thing happens:
We avoid direct contact with the sun so that it does not burn, we avoid direct contact with the pool water, so that it does not become infected while it is crusted, if it is in an area of the body, such as the areola, we cover it To avoid friction, we will clean it without scratching it and prevent it from becoming infected. Scabs will appear, which means that it is beginning to heal, and once the scabs fall off the color will be lighter and will flake, and here the important thing is to keep it very hydrated.
It is evident that at first everything is darkened because it is a wound. Nor is it necessary to correct or review before a month and, why, because as I have previously mentioned it is a wound that has to heal and heal, if we act before it heals, we will be doing double damage, therefore, wait as that heals and then make the appropriate corrections, or to give the review.
Freshly pigmented, it is normal for a little “liquid” to come out. Of course, it is the lymph itself, that is what will later give rise to the scab.
The scabs of the wounds, in themselves, are darker than healthy skin, because when we pigment, the scab also has pigment remains, therefore, the cosmetic tattoo will be darker the first days until the scab falls off.
Do not tear off the scab, because we will make more wounds !!!
Is it possible that there are people who do not light the pigmentation well? YES
Can pigmentation light little? For what is this? Of course, this is why at least two initial sessions spaced 3-4 weeks apart are needed.
One of the reasons why I wear little is the PHOTO OF LEATHER. Other, the type of skin (the skin of the eyebrow is not the same as that of the eyelid as the skin of the back), exposure to external agents, aftercare (in lip tattoo the appearance of labial herpes influences) a lack Care or an infection in the micropigmentation influence whether it garments little or badly. In people undergoing chemo and radiotherapy (areolar tattoo is an influential factor when it comes to getting better or worse. Excessive use of topical anesthesia when pigmenting or excessive edema during pigmentation also influences the micropigmentation to wear. Depth is also another factor, the deeper the more durable.
And finally, remember, IN Cosmetic tattoo, PIGMENTS ARE USED, NOT INKS. THE PIGMENT IS A SIMPLE MOLECULE OF LOW MINERAL AND INORGANIC MOLECULAR WEIGHT, hence the micropigmentation lasts less, and THERE ARE NO TWO THE SAME cosmetic tattoo, since the pigment is a molecule the size of melanin, and that is why when it binds to Melenin makes each pigment appear in a unique way in each person, hence the importance of skin phototypes, and that you have to wait the recommended time for the color to stabilize.
I am going to show you a case of newly done micropigmentation and the result after healing and the stability of the pigment.
hope this post has been useful to you
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