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What care should I take with eyebrow tattoo?

What care should I take after eyebrow tattoo?

eyebrow tattoo

One of the most demanded beauty treatments in recent times is eyebrow tattoo, a permanent method with which you will be able to repopulate the eyebrows and get better definition and, thus, enhance the intensity of your gaze.

Keep reading this post and you will find the care you should have with eyebrow tattoo, the definitive method to show off perfect, full and beautiful eyebrows.

What is eyebrow tattoo?

Many people have weak hair in the area of ​​the eyebrows and therefore are forced to paint their eyebrows daily in order to shape themselves and achieve a much more beautiful expression and features.

But putting on makeup every day, in the end, ends up being a cumbersome and tiring process, for this reason, we offer you a definitive treatment so that you never have to paint your eyebrows again: micropigmentation .

It is a totally different method from tinting, if you want information about this other, we invite you to consult our eyebrow dye and permanent treatments . It is a method in which very small pigments are injected under the skin to cover any area and, thus, make your eyebrows look perfectly covered, thick, and full. Furthermore, it is a very simple technique to do, hardly painless, and whose results are impressive.

But, yes, being a more intense treatment, it is important to take into account a series of aspects that will help you achieve the result you are looking for. In this other post, we will discover what tattoo consists of.

Powdery eyebrow tattooing Perth

How to care for tattoo eyebrows

If you want to know better the care of tattoo it is important that you take into account these tips that we are going to give you below. With them, you can show off an impeccable face, with which you will feel completely at ease.
Ice will help you reduce inflammation

One of the cares of eyebrow tattoo is to apply ice. We have already said that this technique is based on the injection of very small pigments into the skin and, therefore, this procedure can cause slight swelling or redness in the area. This can be easily alleviated with the application of ice in the area to be treated, since this product has anti-inflammatory properties that will allow you to feel better.

To do this, just take some ice, wrap it in a cloth and apply it on the eyebrow for about 5 or 10 minutes. You will see how, later, your face appears much more deflated and, above all, you feel less discomfort. In the event that some pain reappears, you can apply ice again, as long as 45 minutes have passed, otherwise, you could burn the skin.

Of course: after each use of ice, it is important that you hydrate the area because, with the water, it will have dried out. To do this, we recommend that you use moisturizers rich in vitamin A and D or essential oils that contain vitamin E, thus, we will ensure that the eyebrow is always nourished and moisturized and, therefore, does not dry out or flake.
Do not scratch yourself!

One of the cares of eyebrow tattoos is that you should avoid scratching the area , no matter how itchy! Keep in mind that it is normal for you to feel itchy in this part of the face because the skin will be healing and healing from the treatment but, even if you feel itchy, you should avoid scratching.

Nor should you remove the dead skin that you can see because you could modify the tattoo and cause the result not to be what you were looking for. If you feel very intense itching, try to wet the area with water or apply ice and, thus, you will notice how the discomfort disappears.

No makeup after eyebrow tattoo

The makeup or cosmetics that you usually use to make up your face should be parked for a while after having undergone this treatment.

It is important that you follow this advice to the letter since, if not, the area could become infected because it is common for bacteria to accumulate in makeup products that can infect the eyebrow. So, avoid using any type of makeup until your brow has not 100% healed.

Clean your eyebrows daily

Another care of eyebrow tattoo is that you should wash them daily to prevent dirt from accumulating in the area and, therefore, there is a risk of infection. You should wash 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and night) but without scrubbing or rubbing the treated area, it will be enough for you to add water and then dry with the towel without rubbing, but you will only have to give small touches to remove excess moisture.

After washing it is recommended that you proceed to hydrate the area to prevent it from flaking, irritating or drying out the skin.
Protect yourself from the sun

During the first week after having undergone a tattoo treatment, it is important that you protect yourself as much as possible from UVA rays, although it is most recommended that you be completely protected from the sun for 3 to 6 weeks to prevent the color from changing. Keep in mind that contact with the sun’s rays could spoil the pigments introduced into your eyebrows and, therefore, modify both the color and the final result.

Therefore, always apply factor 50 sun protection so that your skin is completely protected from UVA rays but, in addition, it is also recommended that you wear hats or caps to avoid direct contact.
The sea and the pool are not recommended either

If you do eyebrow micropigmentation in summer, you must bear in mind that you will not be able to bathe or sunbathe as they could affect the result. Chlorine and bacteria found in public areas such as swimming pools, seas or lakes can penetrate your wound and cause an eyebrow infection, but the wound must also be fully healed before prolonged contact with water to allow that it closes correctly and that, therefore, the result is what we expect.

Micro what? Yes, eyebrow tattoo is also known as (semi) permanent makeup and it is about the deposition of organic pigments just under the skin, giving it permanent color. To give you an idea, it would come to be like a kind of tattoo.

Micropigmentation is used to beautify and / or correct facial features. With it, artificial eyebrows can be made, for example, especially in people who have lost them due to age, disease or some kind of genetic mismatch; as well as to disguise scars and other types of skin marks and / or burns.

Now that you know the care of eyebrow tattoo, let’s find out where to get a good micropigmentation in Perth: of course, at Elite Look. In our beauty salon, you will find a team of first-class professionals who will help you to give a new light to your face and make you feel very comfortable with your current appearance.

This technique requires the use of needles, since they deposit the pigment at the epidermal level , so after carrying out the treatment, the affected area will become inflamed and, after a few hours, a scab will appear that will fall off a few days later. All this makes the result much more intense than what we were looking for at the beginning, but in a matter of a week, all this will disappear.

What’s more, in a month the pigment fixation process will be completed, producing a progressive loss of it, depending on the type of skin. That is why after this time, we will carry out a review, which will last between 2 and 5 years , depending on each case.

Do not panic, because to avoid pain, anesthetic cream is usually applied before starting the procedure. It depends on the area to be treated and how sensitive you are, but our professionals will make sure that it is not an unpleasant experience at all.

Don’t think about it and start looking great, without having to reach for your makeup bag. Make your appointment at Elite Look now to get a tattoo and make your eyebrows look perfect both during the day and at night.

Discover our eyebrow tattoo service in this video; both the professional work of our beauticians and the incredible results before and after: