Permanent eyeliner tattoo: stylish look for a long time
All your questions answered about eyeliner tattoo:
4 types of permanent eyeliner tattoo
Preparation and steps of the procedure
Contraindications for conducting eyeliner tattoo
Possible side effects
Eye care after the procedure
Touchup after eyeliner tattoo arrows
Every woman would like to look perfect in any situation. Make-up completes the look. It also adds confidence. However, it is not always possible to put on make-up properly and on time. Achievements of modern cosmetology come to the rescue. Permanent eyeliner tattoo look extraordinarily natural on the eyes and allow you to emphasise their beauty.
Today, this is perhaps the only way to look bright, stylish and natural at any time. If you prepare correctly, and then follow the simple recommendations for care, the result will delight you for a long time.
4 types of permanent eyeliner tattoo
During the application of this type of permanent makeup, the master draws a line almost along the eyelash edge, resulting in a very natural effect.
Suitable for: all girls, regardless of the shape and shape of the eyes. This technique will especially appeal to lovers of nude makeup.
Advantages: due to the fact that the space between the eyelashes is stained, the eyelashes look thicker and darker. In addition, this arrow looks great with or without makeup.
The intercalary permanent eyeliner tattoo can be of the following types:
with a small arrow in the outer corner of the eye;
with soft shading.
If you are tired of getting up early every morning to do your makeup with a perfect eyeliner tattoo, we advise you to pay attention to this technique. The master will select the width, length and shape of the arrow that is right for you, and the look will be irresistible. You can make a light eyelid makeup, and a dramatic one, like a movie star.
Suitable for: those who are accustomed to eyeliner tattoo and cannot imagine daily makeup without them, as well as girls who, by nature, have a lowered outer corner of their eyes and an open upper eyelid.
Advantages: permanent eyeliner tattoo last especially long on the eyes and allow you to create the effect of “cat’s eyes”.
Note! If you are not sure what kind of permanent eyelid make-up technique is right for you, make an “inter-eyelash”, and you can add an arrow at any time if you wish.
Eyeliner tattoo with feather
This technique consists in the fact that the master draws a thin eyeliner tattoo along the eyelid, which smoothly and gently turns into shadows or light haze. After the main arrow is drawn, the color is stretched from saturated to less intense. At the same time, eyelid makeup can be performed in absolutely any shade, although most often clients choose calm colors that match the color of the iris.
Suitable for: Permanent eyeliner tattoo with shading is ideal for women with aging skin, as it is impossible to draw clear lines on it. Also, using this technique, you can give an almond shape to round eyes.
Benefits: The shaded eyeliner tattoo visually corrects the overhanging eyelid and the drooping outer corners of the eyes. If you make just such a permanent makeup, you can significantly save on eyeliner and shadows, and also not waste time on morning beauty rituals. The permanent shaded eyeliner tattoo looks moderately bright, which is great for a daytime look.
Permanent eyeliner tattoo on the lower eyelid
The lower eyelid is often added to the “mezhililium” or shaded eyeliner tattoo. Usually, dull colors are used for this, for example, gray or brown, since the black arrow here looks rough and visually reduces the eyes.
Suitable for: This type of eyeliner is ideal for permanent makeup on round, large eyes.
Advantages: if you choose the right color of the eyeliner tattoo, you can successfully correct the shape of the eyes, and make the look bright and expressive.
Note! Permanent makeup of the lower eyelid is not suitable for girls who have pronounced dark circles or bags under the eyes, as well as wrinkles. All of these flaws will become more visible.
Preparation and steps of the eyeliner tattoo procedure
Before making permanent eyeliner tattoo makeup, the masters recommend adjusting the shape of the eyebrows so that the face as a whole looks harmonious.
A permanent eyeliner tattoo includes the following steps:
the master cleans the eyelids and skin around the eyes from cosmetics;
the treated area is degreased with a special alcohol-free composition;
with the help of a cosmetic pencil, they indicate the contour of the future arrow;
an anesthetic cream or gel is applied to the eyelid;
the remnants of the product are removed with a napkin;
draw the outline of the arrow along the line of eyelash growth;
completing the makeup according to the intended form;
erase the remains of the sketch.
Find out about other permanent makeup procedures we do.
The permanent eyeliner tattoo procedure for the eyelids takes 1.5-2 hours, depending on the technique and the desired result.
At the end of the session, the master conducts a consultation regarding the care of the eyelids in the next week.
It is necessary to have sunglasses with you, as it is important to protect the area of applying permanent makeup from direct sunlight for a certain period of time.
Also, do not actively show emotions, squint or make sudden movements during the procedure, as its result may be unexpected.
Contraindications for conducting eyeliner tattoo
Before deciding on a permanent eyeliner tattoo procedure, it is important to familiarise yourself with all contraindications and side effects. According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, you should stop drinking alcohol for two days and not drink coffee a few hours before the session.
Before the procedure, it is better not to take blood thinners, and also to check if there is any allergy to the pigment used.
Absolute contraindications to the permanent eyeliner tattoo procedure are:
violation of blood clotting;
cardiac pathology;
systemic lupus erythematosus;
tendency to form keloid scars;
viral infections;
taking medications that thin the blood;
oncological diseases;
rheumatoid arthritis;
active skin diseases;
allergy to anesthetics;
diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent, type I);
the state of alcoholic and drug intoxication;
previous chemotherapy course.
Relative contraindications for permanent eyeliner tattoo are:
feeling unwell, ARVI symptoms, runny nose without fever, stress or sleepless night (postpone the visit to the master until the day when you are healthy and full of energy);
inflammatory processes in the field of applying permanent makeup, exacerbation of skin diseases (for the result of the procedure to please you, permanent makeup should be done during the period of remission of epidermal diseases);
taking potent antibiotics, corticosteroids, anticoagulants, retinoids, etc. (it is permissible to carry out the procedure two weeks after the end of treatment);
the presence of moles or warts in the area of the procedure (permanent makeup can be done only after the removal of benign neoplasms);
breastfeeding (there is no clinically confirmed data on the negative effect of permanent makeup on a child, but it is better not to risk the baby’s health and postpone the session until the end of lactation);
allergic reactions (before doing permanent makeup, it is necessary to test the tolerance of the anesthetic and dye);
menstruation (usually during this period, the pain threshold and blood clotting decrease, it is best to do permanent makeup in the middle of the cycle);
minor age (permanent makeup, in this case, can be done only in the presence of serious cosmetic defects as an addition to the methods of aesthetic surgery).
Possible side effects after eyeliner tattoo
Eyes may look puffy and puffy immediately after permanent eyeliner tattoo. However, don’t be intimidated. This is a normal reaction of the body to external stimuli. With proper care, the condition of the eyelids will return to normal in 1–2 weeks. In some cases, complications may develop.
What unpleasant symptoms do clients usually complain about after the eyeliner tattoo procedure?
Bruises on the upper and lower eyelids – they are formed if the master hit the capillary with a needle, and speak of a violation of blood circulation in the dermis. A week after the procedure, the bruises disappear, but during this period, you should not carry out other manipulations in this area, for example, extend eyelashes.
Redness and itching of the eyelids.
Crusting on top of the tattoo. This indicates that the healing process is proceeding successfully. You don’t need to remove them yourself or rub your eyes.
Swelling is the most common symptom that can be relieved with special cooling ointments or gels.
The feeling of “sand” in the eyes – it can also be leveled with the help of special drops.
Swelling usually goes away within a day after the eyeliner tattoo procedure, and bruises – in a week. You need to worry only if you feel unpleasant symptoms for 7 days or longer, or if new unpleasant consequences appear. In such a situation, you need to contact a beautician as soon as possible.
Eye care after the eyeliner tattoo procedure
In the first week after the permanent make-up procedure, special care for the skin of the eyelids and eyes is required. This will shorten the recovery period and avoid negative consequences.
To help your eyelids heal faster, follow the tips below:
First day. Three hours after applying permanent makeup, wipe the eyelids with a disinfecting solution, for example, Miramistin, using a cotton swab or disc. Repeat the manipulations before going to bed. Swelling on the first day after the procedure is normal, so do not panic. Vizin or Diclofenac drops, as well as Hydrocortisone ointment, will help get rid of swelling. Be sure to follow the directions for the drugs.
Second and subsequent days. The area of the eyelids should be continued to be wiped with an antiseptic 2-3 times a day. If you feel uncomfortable, you can apply a regenerating ointment to your eyelids before bed.
Until the crusts come off, it is prohibited:
wet the skin and steam it;
peel off the crusts;
expose your skin to sunlight, or swim in a pool or open water;
rub your eyelids;
sleep with your face in the pillow;
apply compresses to the eyes;
extend eyelashes;
use cosmetics in the area of the eyelids.
It is also important to eat right, otherwise the toxins that enter the body with food will be eliminated by the skin and can prolong the recovery process.
Usually after 1-2 weeks the eyelids heal completely, and after a few days after the procedure, the feeling of discomfort disappears.
Touch up after permanent eyeliner tattoo on the eyes
Three weeks after the permanent makeup of the eyelids, the client needs to visit the beautician again to assess the condition of the skin, as well as to determine when it is necessary to make a correction.
How long the permanent eyeliner makeup lasts is influenced by many factors, including the client’s skin type and the color of the pigment used. You can take up to two years with a permanent, after this time the pigment will fade greatly, and the makeup will look untidy. To achieve maximum aesthetics, a correction procedure will be required.
It is usually carried out a few months after the main session, and after a year the makeup needs to be renewed.
You will be able to determine if a correction is needed by a number of the following signs:
the pigment has faded and changed color;
irregularities and imperfections in makeup became visible;
the shape and outline of the arrow are distorted;
there are irregularities in the discharge of the crust.
The frequency of the correction depends on the client’s skin type. For example, girls with oily skin will need it earlier. Also, the colors of the pigment affect the frequency of the procedure: bright ones last longer than pigments of calm shades.
Sometimes correction may be needed prematurely if the client has not followed the recommendations of the cosmetologist for the care of the eyelids. In such a situation, improper healing or the appearance of defects in the make-up is possible.
Permanent eyeliner tattoo has remained a sought-after procedure for many years. This is a great way for girls to make their life easier.
Now you know what kind of arrows there are. With a permanent eyeliner tattoo looks flawless at any time of the day or night. No need to worry about the shadows smearing and the arrow flowing. The most important thing is to choose a qualified master who will carry out the procedure in compliance with all the rules